Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Real First Letter

So I got the letters mixed up and this is actually the first letter. Not to be confusing or anything haha.

Hey everybody at home!!
This place is totally awesome! The spirit is way strong all the time. And even stronger sometimes! Like when we're "practice teaching" or in a fireside. My companions are really great! We're a threesome, and they recently changed stuff so the districts are smaller, so we ended up being a whole district just ourselves :) And this sunday they called me to be the District Leader or "DL" There are 17 missionaries total, here, all one branch. Seven of us got here last week, I think 8 of the others are leaving in two weeks! So we'll be all by our newish lonesomes for a day... My Companion Anziano Mercado is from Michigan and he speaks pretty good french, so he's picking up Italian way fast. Anziano Wright on the other hand speaks some German and Russian, so italian is way new for him, heh. He says piccolo like it's a german word. He's from Oregan :)

I've seen Elder Steinagel a few times! He's pretty funny :) He weirded out Mercado the first time we saw him, haha. ( is short for Anziano, which is Elder in Italian) His dinner and mine overlap 15 minutes, so I usually see him just before I leave.

I've seen... two Sisters and four other Elders from our Stake here! Including Sister Story (Natalie) and Elder Martin (Dustin) I don't know most of the other's names though...

My teachers are both way totally awesome, Fratello Silva served in Roma and F.llo Tarwater in Milano, so they both have alot of different experiences and all that whatnot :)

Oh and hey there's this website called and I'm not sure how it works but somehow you write a letter or email on there and it gets printed off and comes here as a letter the same day! Pretty neat stuff this technology.

So yeah! thanks for the letters all y'all who wrote me!

Another Letter!

Hey! So I dug around in my classroom and in my "residence hall" room for all the Dear Elder's I've gotten, I'ma try to answer all the questions! On P-Days we get to go to the temple! We normally do an endowment session, but if we want we can do other stuff, initiatories, sealings, etc... And it is waaayy awesome! I love it. I learn everytime! and A. Mercasdo, my companion shared some things that he learned today as well, goood stuff :)
Like, I said last week, I have 30 minutes to use email, either reading or writing, so that's tricky. I'm not sure how much time I'll have once in italy, I heard it's the same amount of time but I guess I'll just hafta see when I get there! I've heard alot of really awesome things about President and Sister Acerson, the Roma mission president! I talked to an Elder a bit ago who was neighbors with them at home! He said they were some of his favorite people in the ward :)

So Conference was sooo Awesome!! I took notes on all but one talk, just because nothing struck me in that one, but total I took 20 pages of notes! wheew, I had cramps in my hand. And a sore bum too, they needed couches here for sure. I really liked Jeffry R. Holland's talk on sunday! I was just like yeeahh!! Way powerful and awesome!
I did notice how there were alot of talks on Love! I loved that :) love is definitely something needed today. I totally forgot about the World Report thing! That's cool that I was on it! woohoo I was on TV! I didn't think I was going to be.

So I am Not leaving early, most of the Italian missionaries left this morning to Italy :( but we're getting 6 new ones tomorrow! and two are coming early tonight. I have to find them tonight after the devotional, one's coming from Spain and the other fromGermany :) I'm excited to meet them!

They have a system here called SYL or Speak your Language, aand they pretty much just have you set your own goals for how much you'll speak the lanuage, we tried it for all of yesterday! That was way fun! we didn't talk as much as we normally would :) heh. But I answer questons all the time about italian, one Anziano who left this morning, A. West, called me Anziano Dizionario once, hehe. Guess what! you guys (family) remember Anziano Cagnacci?? His sister's here in the MTC right now! she's going to Washington DC! and there's one other missionary here from italy, going to London, named Anziano Boer, he's from Milano and he is veeerry Italian, hahah, he's awesome :) he came in to thecafeteria the other day singing a song by Queen, and then asked us if he got all the lyrics right :)

Snow!!!! aaahhh!!! I can see it up on Mt. Timpanogos! hooo, I want some down here :)

Oh, so I've learning alot lately about the importance of prayer! We neeed to pray so specifically! Heavenly Father Wants to give us EVERYTHING!!! all we have to do is ask for it. the other night I started praying and when I was done I checked my watch and it had been 35 minutes! wow, goodness.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Letters From CJ!!

Hey everyone, this is actually Hanna and I will be posting CJ's letters for him throughtout his mission so here in his first one:

Ciao a tutti!
This MTC place is still pretty much awesome!
I've seen Jordy a bunch of times, but not for a while... Is he still here? Boh! But there are 8 people here from the O.V.! We all took a picture by the giant map.

I've been learning alot about teaching by the spirit and listening for what to say! It's really amazing! We plan out the lesson, what we're going to say, but sometimes other things just slip in your mind and you don't always know why, but you say them and it really touches the people! Even though everybody we teach is already a member, most have served missions, and they're just pretending.
One time we were in class with Fratello Silva -our teacher who just got home from his mission in Roma six months ago- and he said Ok I want you guys to teach Me, not me pretending to be an investigator, and so we prepared for 5 minutes and I found a scripture D&C 6:20 and while we were teacing him I had him read that (we hadn't been teaching him the lesson at all, we'd been talking mostly about the Plan of Salvation and we'd told him a couple stories of things from home) and when he read it he teared up, and told us about some hard things he's been trying to figure out in his life lately. That was absolutely amazing!
I definitely know now that the spirit's awesome :) and that you can't pray enough! I tried counting how many times we prayed yesterday and I lost count at 15 :) awesome!

So yeah! things are good. I did join the choir, that's fun! and I'm way excited about General Conference! I wanna see how much more I can get out of it with the awesomely powerful spirit here :D I haven't heard how long I'll be here yet, most likely the full nine weeks, which is fine, I'm learning everyday! My Companions A. Wright and A. Mercado are both really great! as DL I have to write a report letter to the mission president every week and tell him any concerns we have had that week, but I couldn't think of anything!! We're all pretty chill, friendly. I'm definitely the most talkative of we three.. A. Mercado is very good at planning and being on time though, so that's good for me :) He's a writer and he speaks French, so italian's easy for him to pick up, grammar wise. And A. Wright... He's learning really fast :) he speaks some German and some Russian, so those don't help much with Italian, haha! And he likes to lay on the floor while he studies.

Welp, hey my 30 minutes are up!
Ciao! Ci Parliamo alla prossima!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Alright! I'm doing another post! Amazing I know. Does anybody still check this thing?
So I've been prepping for the mission! Pretty fun stuff, I got the suits (Mr Mac's) and the shirts, and the shoes, and the haircut, and some sweet Burton luggage. And so yeah, it's gonna be good! I went to the Ogden temple last week, pretty amazing that! I report to the ol' MTC this Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock. In the middle of the day, not the night. mhhmm.

I think I'ma have Mamma Mia post some of the emails that I send to home on here, so y'all can be updated and I don't have to write the same letter to everybody! ;) If you do care to letter me, I'll allow that too... My mission address will be:
Elder Cory Joseph Christensen
Italy, Rome Mission
Piazza Carnaro, 20
00141 Roma, Italia

And I don't have the MTC po box # I'll be using, as of this time.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

My name is Sojato

So my Quattro de Julio was not a whole lot different than most other days! We mustered at 0730 in 2AFT, like normal, talked about what was coming up, like normal. But after Muster we didn’t have to do anything else! There’s only so much cleaning and restocking you can do in one little ward, eh? So I went and signed up for a COMREL with RP2 Fields, in the Chaplain’s office. And my good ol’ friend RP3 Strother was there! (RP2 and 3 are their rate and rank, RP stands for Religious Person and 2 is beter than 3) So I hung with him for a bit. We were joined by a Colombian friend of ours, Laura Lara, who’s on the ship with the UCSD Pre-Dental Society, but I think she’s studying political science… But yeah! We all headed up to chow, which was filled with all sorts of random Spanish phrases that Jarvis wanted to learn, such as “Tu eres un ganzo bobo” which means “You are a silly goose.” And I learned more practical words that I could actually use without people looking at me strangely. Such as how to say CJ in Spanish (non-American people never get my name) you pronounce it Sei-Hotah. So Jarvis was trying to tie that into one of his silly phrases and it came out more like Soh-Hatoh, so now my name is Sojato!

After said meal was finished I went to sit with my LDS friends Ashley, Lisa and Emma (Lisa and Emma just came on board recently) and found out that they were all about to go down to the OR and watch an operation! –we haven’t started operations yet, but Operation Smile is on board using our facilities to do a bunch of cleft-pallet repairs- So I joined their little crew and ended up being the only person seeing the operation! The Doctor was a cool Nicaraguan guy who was always laughing in Spanish (jajajaja) about something or other, the nurses all said he was crazy.
The procedure he was doing was a minor cleft pallet in the back of the little boy’s throat, you couldn’t even see it, but he said the muscle on top of the mouth wasn’t connected so the throat couldn’t close correctly to form words and stuff. So he cut open the roof of the mouth, cut the muscles and stitched them together, then stitched the skin back up! I don’t think it was more than 45 minutes, if that. I felt all official in my scrubs, disposable hat, shoe covers and face mask. Purtroppo I don’t have a camera so ya’ll’ll just hafta imagine me!

Then last night we (Me, Lisa and Manuel) were out on the Port-side Weather Deck just talking about something and we saw some fireworks that somebody was shooting up on shore! Pretty neat that they’d do that on our independence day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Some Stuff!

So hey! Here's some stuff that has happened in the past while!

Some media people from the church came to the ship! I wasn't doing anything at the time so I helped them out. I basically was their run around boy, I'd run down to the Personal Affairs Office if they forgot a mic cord or a tripod knuckle or a reflector or something like that. then I'd help them set stuff up and show them how to get places, cause this ship's quite confusing if you haven't been here a while. And then they inteveiwed us! most of us at least, I got to be outside in the wind and stuff :) Cause they'd already done some videoing in 2Aft, where I work, and in the Hotel ward which looks alot like 2Aft. They were filming for a segment in the World Report this next conference, So be sure to watch it! I'll probably be in it!

When we were underway between Tumaco, Colomba and El Salvador we saw a bunch of Dolphins! A bunch of times! It was way awesome, they'd come right up by the bow of the ship and jump out of the water, sometimes 3 or 4 at a time! I think there were at least 15 of them, you could see them swimming underwater too. There was a mom and baby too, it was really cute they'd both jump at exactly the same time. And I saw a sea turtle the same day! It was probably about two feet across, and it came really close the the front of the ship underwater and kinda flailed around, heh. I think it was probably riding the surf off the bow.

My spanish has gotten alot better! It's still pretty pathetic, but better than before! Which was about nothing.. But now I can greet people several ways, give directions, tell people when and where to sit, ask them what they want to eat and drink, tell them what I'm doing when I take their vital signs, ask if they're in pain, and where it hurts... and any combination of the above! Apparently I have a good accent when I speak spanish cause the patients and their escorts never know I don't speak more then I do. They often ask me long questions or give me detailed descriptions of what type of pain they have and I just look at them quizzically and say " intiendo" and then they try agin but explaining diffently until I say "no no no, no intiendo espanol" That always gets a good laugh "no intiende espanol? No hable??" Or the other night I was talking to another corpsman (the navy guys that do the same thing as me) named Crain, and an escort came up to talk to him but first asked me "como se dice 'el quiere gelatino'?" which means "he wants jello", I just laughed, cause crain speaks more than I do. heh heh.

So yeah! that's somewhat of an update for ya!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Call

CJ Christensen has hereby been called to serve in the Rome, Italy mission.

Awesome!!!! Is that too easy or what? I already speak the language pretty good, and I know how the people are and the culture and stuff. So I won't have to struggle with all that! I'll be able to grow and do more of what I need to!

In case anybody doesn't know this already my some of the family (myself included) lived in the Rome, Italy mission for a year, nearly three years ago! So It's like I'm going home!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mission Predicion?

Hey Everybody!!
My call was sent out on Friday! So it should be to my home anyday now!

I'm taking a poll and writing down everybody's guesses as to where I'm going.
So where do You think I'll be called to serve?

Thursday, June 4, 2009


We are now in the Pacific Ocean!
Guess how we got here! Yes, the Panama Canal. It was quite awesome. did you know that there's a camera by each of the locks so you can watch the ships go through? I was going to call and tell everybody I could find but the phones and internet were down all day!!

So the canal was really awesome, first of all when I woke up we were already in the lake part, which I think has more islands then water. And all of the island just look like a big pile of jungle plopped in the water, lots and lots of greeness. Then we got to the Miraflores lock, the third lock. And the Ship is so big that it barely fit! it only had maybe a foot and a half on each side, and not much space on the front or back either.

So I think I like the Pacific better than the Atlantic, the ship rocks alot more :) We had an abandon ship drill today where everybody has to get a life jacket, be wearing long-sleeves and a cover (hat), and go up to the flight deck to muster (take roll). So while we were all hanging out up there with nothing to do (One of the things the navy is best at is "hurry up and wait") I sat down cross-legged with my eyes closed and just felt the wind and the rocking of the ship :) It was very relaxing. heh, I'm surprised I didn't get any hippy comments afterwards.

So I have a picture here of the ship going through the lock, but it's an .xps file so I don't think I can get it on here... Anybody know how to convert .xps to .jpg?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Panama, night shift, future?

So I am working night shift here in Panama! It's interesting, I've never done a night shift before, but for some reason they gave me tonight off, so I'm just hanging out by myself, wide awake at 0100... I like working nights though, it's pretty chill, we just hang out and do little projects that need doing that can't get done during the day because it's so busy. and then we wake up the patients every four hours to take their vitals and check up on them.
I got to push some drugs last night, that was pretty fun :) I just hooked up the syringe to their IV and squeezed it in over three minutes time. It was Toradol, which is an anti-inflammatory, and it burns the veins when it goes in, that's why I had to push it slowly.

I'm thinking of moving here to Panama after my mission, we have an LDS guy named Sione here on the ship for the week as a translator, he lives here but he grew up in Utah and Australia, he served his mission here and moved here after. He's been telling me all about living here in Panama as an American, he says if you speak english (specially if you're american) you can get a job anywhere you want, as a manager or anything, and they'll pay American salary. And the price of living is reaally low, like $3 for a pair of jeans. Because it's So. America, but mostly because they get everything really cheap from the ships going through the canal! And they have a few american colleges here with really low tuition, so hey I could get some schooling done too!
Oh and they use the US dollar here , so that makes things easy :) And that's all just a rough overview of everything! I don't put down all the deets ya know?
So I'm thinkin this would be a nice place to be after my missioin... :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Exerpts fom the Journal

So hey everybody, every time I sit down to do some bloggin I have too much in my head and none of it comes out! So I'm going to type up a day or two out of my journal!

May 20 - 2313
Colombia! Cartagena to be specific. I love it already! Such a beautiful place!
I'm staying in the Hotal Caribe which is right across the street from the beach! It's not the prettiest beach, not like other caribbean places I've been to, but the water is super nice and the sand feels soo good!

May 21 - 2354
Woohoo fun place :) Mi gusto mucho!
(here there is a drawing of me in some sweet sunglasses I got) I got a bunch of stuff, ate some good food, hung out with some good friends, saw some neat places. Great!
So this morning we were planning on going the castle tour at 0830 but when we got to the BLZ, which is the naval base, only three of the eight of us had our IDs, so we got some taxis and went to the old city! Which was way awesome might I say. We had a tour guy show us all the old historic places around the city, he really knew his stuff! We saw things like the biggest church in the city, which used to be a monastery but is now the University. And the Santo Domingo cathedral.. looks like a big Catholic cathedral! wow cool huh.
And we hung out on the beach some... Me, Ash, Mindy and Brad.
Then I have "I fell asleep" written across the rest of the page

May 23 - 1056
hmm... too much to say...
Juanes is coming to the ship! in case you don't know who Juanes is he's pretty much the most popular singer in latin-America! way awesome.
I got this sweet arm-band from a street vendor it looks like this: (a drawing of a strip of leather with little squiggly lines and a big peace sign) it's leather and the two ends lace together with an elastic string.
My mind is kinda all over irght now.. and apparently I'm a bit dyslexic right now too.
We were walking around the old city one night- Me, Jenna, Min 'n Ash, Ali, Diane, Brad, Kirsten (Jenna's mom), Rachel... I think Rob... Bro. Rix... and we all went to dinner together but then it was a Pizz/Pasta restaurant so a bunch of people left to find some ethnic foods. So the leftovers (me, min 'n Ash, sloane, Rachel, Bro Rix) walked to a place where you could get up on the wall (this was after dinner) and walked down as far as we could along the walkway place up there. Then we came to where changed to just a wall, about two feet wide. Maybe less. And Bro. Rix just just climbed right up and kept waling down the wall! SO we all folled *I'm sure I meant to say followed here* behind :) Well Mindy and Kirsten didn't... Mindy's afraid of heights and Kiesten's a bit older. It's was like... 100 meters? That was fun. Then where it became normal again there's a bar/restaurant called Cafe' del Mar which is really spendy. So we just hung out at the base of the wall and talked with some vendors there. One younger guy was selling stuff that looked really original, he said he makes it all himself! Mindy made good friends with him (like she does with everybody, lol :) ) and got some cool bracelet things.
While they were chattin I noticed a nice looking yellow coconut hangn out in a nearby tree so I decided --Hang on this is a good song--
Sorry, that was Be Here Now by, Ray LaMontagne. Good song.
So anyway! I decided to climb the tree and pick said coconut! The tree was only like... 4 meters high? And the coconut came off after only a couple twists :) it's a big'n.
I think we're gonna eat it today :) it heavy too, I carried it around town the rest of the night :)
My left hand is strong again! From carrying food trays like a waiter :)
So I was able to palm the coconut for a bit at a time.

There you go!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Hey everyfolks, I didn't realize how long it'd been since I posted last!
Angie is awesome to the maximum
Just thought I'd throw that in there ya know.

So we're anchored off the west coast of Antigua now, it's pretty much beautiful. Looks like an island, with the mountains all covered in greeness, then a bar of sand with cliffs breaking it up here and there, and some houses in the trees. Which I wouldn't mind owning... heh

I got to go ashore yesterday! Which was great because up until yesterday we didn't have any patients on the ship. booooring.
So we have this big cataramaran (that's alot of A's eh? reminds me of a canada joke...) that pulls up along side the ship and everybody loads on. It's way nicer than the little boats that we've been using in Haiti and the D.R., those only held maybe 20 people, but this big'n holds probably 60 or somemore. And it's really slow so you get a nice long ride around to the north side of the island, which looks more like a place we'd be working (has poverty) but it's still the cleanest place I've been ashore to so far. And then we went in busses (little ones) to The Multi Cultural Exhibition Center, very nice building, to sort patients and do checkups, dental work, optometry, the like. But yesterday at that place they were over-staffed because on thursday they were under-staffed, so I spent alot of time escorting patients around or just asking people what I could do to help.

And I got a real MRE for lunch (not the training ones we've been using). I added up all the protien from all the different items, 35 grams of protien!! wheew, I'm not deficient anymore, for suure. Or at least for yesterday I wasn't

So yeah! That's my ranting for the day, how does it compare to your day yesterday? ;)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Temple Pictures!

So hey guess what!
I got my pictures of the temple, uploaded them, got them all arranged with captions and the whole whatnot, posted them, THEN realized I had done this all on my family's blog, not my own... SO if you want to see them they are here:)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Santo Domingo

I made it to back to the Dominican Republic!
Our flight came in at 7:30 though, and they don't have boats to the ship after dark, so we're staying at the Marriot here in Santo Domingo.
When we got to the hotel the LDS guy that picked us up from the airport asked us if we wanted to go see the temple! So we did! It's only a few blocks from here, and it is Beautiful.
I took a few pictures.

I was standing waiting for the elavator here and the guy who took our luggage was waiting too and he asked me "Habla espanol?" and I said "No... Yo hablo Italiano" and he said "Oh. Io Parlo Italiano, y pocito ingles"
so that was neat :)

And while I was home I got an SD reader so now I'll be able to move my pictures off my camera! And do things with them! like posting! yay!^_^
So hopefully I'll have pictures of the temple on here tomorrow.

A Domani!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Home visit.

I just heard the news about Granpa Tom this morning.
Rob, the team leader, told me as I was getting up. So he and I talked to Lt. Marrs and they've arranged for me to fly home and then return to the ship with the next rotation of people.

So I have quite a mix of feelings going on right about now. Excitement for another trip and the chance to visit, Sadness for Grumpa, Happiness for grumpa, I'm sure he's havin a good time :) Sadness because I won't be able to help out here in Dominican Republic, I'll get back just as they're packing up to move on to Antigua... So yeah!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday School

This is a proof of how awesome and wonderful the spirit is.
So all this week I've been trying to find enough time to sit down and prepare my Gospel Doctrine, Book of Mormon class. Alas I never did find more than 20 minutes of such time. So I had the very start of a brief lesson planned and as I was packing up my books to go to the chapel and teach the lesson I realised that maybe the Gospel Docrine manual isn't where I'm supposed to be teaching from! So I pulled out my Preach My Gospel and tada! scriptures started popping out all over the pages. So we had a very spirit-filled/guided lesson and I got many thanks for it :)
And also we had a non-member visitor that brother McCreary brought along to learn some of what we do, and because of the non-preparedness of the lesson we were able to incorporate his questions! Awesome!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Picture finally!

So I finally found a picture of me in my Tooth suit!
Somebody took a picture and put it on the sharedrive that all the computers on the ship are liked to except for the ones that I can use, of course.
So I had somebody find it and email it to me :)

That thing in my hand is an uber big cardboard toothbrush. Most of the bristles are brown so you can't really see them in this picture. This was at the General Hospital University place, the best school in the country pretty much. You see that fan on the wall? That's their A/C, heh. And it was turned off most of the time. Fun stuff :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Minor Frustrations

So yesterday I went ashore as The Tooth! it was pretty great :) and hot too. But today, Jenna was going to go instead of me so she could get a chance to go ashore, cause she works in the Library and they don't have much use for Librarians on land... But! CDR Drayton forget to change her Manifest from yesterday so I was on it instead of Jenna, so they called my name over the loudspeaker this morning at 0530 and Galmiche woke me up with a strong french accent. And I still missed the boat, so today there is no Tooth!
And Jenna was way bummed last night. So I'm going to see if she can swap me out for tomorrow and do the third day. And then tomorrow they're looking for people to help out with a ceremony thing and hand over supplies that the church has donated. So I won't be without something to do all day!
So it's all a good plan to me! Lets see if the Navy follows along.

CDR = Commander
Manifest = the list of people going ashore
Galmiche = A French-army guy that I work with

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stories of the day

So! today we are in Port Au Prince, Haiti.
there is alot of garbage in the water, we're 3 miles off shore because the water is shallow, so they drive boats and Helos (helicopters) to the land!
there is alot of trash in the water... we were hanging out on the "fan tail"- the deck on the back end of the ship- and a bloated little dog floated past... it was gross.

This morning I almost puked! but not from sea sickness haha. actually the rocking of the ship makes you sleep really well... whether you want to or not, heh. Training meetings can get long sometimes....
oh yeah, my almost spewing story . So there's this LDS guy aboard the ship, Sargent Rix, he's 6' 4" and I'd say his calves are about the size of my waist, just for a reference to how huge he is. He teaches a "spinning" class (fixed excersize bikes) and I just hopped on and started going my normal fast pace! But, as my ski-legs may be in shape enough to run up and down stairs all day, and with all this extra oxygen in my lungs I didn't notice me getting exhausted untill I was quite pukish. so I laid down for a bit and now I'm good :) I think the class being at 0530, and before breakfast, didn't help much.

So that was today!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I know this is long, but you want to read at least the second story here

Soo, here I am aboard a giant rocking cradle full of many many various military personel from several countries and posts!
My first job I was assigned is in the 2 Aft ward where patients go after having their procedures done. There I am a runner so I run up and down several flights of stairs to get orders for medicines in, and to get blood samples where they need to be and awesome stuff like that! Wheew! but I haven't done it yet, we get to Haiti tomorrow morning and then the fun begins.
They say Haiti will be our stop with the most need. So the most patients, the hardest patients because they live in such poverty so they won't know showers and toilets, and things that are normal every day comodities for us, and the hardest language, Creol which is like french with some spanish mixed in!

The best part of all.
I was walking down the hall on the Main Deck on my way to an LDS devotional we were about to have- this was a couple hours ago- and Commander Ware, who is LDS, stopped me and said "Stand down a minute CJ" so I stopped. and then he asked me how tall I am (6 foot) and said come with me! So we went to his office place and he intruduced me to a tooth costume he owns! Then he explained to me that he wants me to wear it in a presentation they're doing this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in a hospital in Haiti! Isn't that AWESOME?! I am so stoked. apparantly the church donated thousands of toothbrushes to this trip!
Most of the people in the Wards (where I work) will be going ashore only for 1 8-hour shift but it's looking like I get to go Three Times!!

So I'll be posting some pictures probably monday night or tuesday sometime ^_^

~CJ, "the Tooth Monster"